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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 14/06/2024.

Freeware and Trial Versions

For trial versions of other VOC VST instruments, see bottom of this page.

virtual organ company portatief i v1 freeware vst virtual pipe organ freeware screenshot Portatief I Freeware Organ

This is a complete, fully functional 2 voice VOC plugin for you to try. It has all the features and sound quality of the new Positief III version 5, including various temperaments, transposer, digital church acoustics and a=415 Hz transposer. The voices are:

- Holpijp 8'
- Roerfluit 4'

Dowload Now!

You can download the Portatief I free of charge by clicking this link. The whole package is only 2 Mb. For installation instructions, see below.

Blokwerk Freeware Organ

This is another complete fully functional VOC plugin, simulating a Dutch late medieval church organ of the "Blokwerk" type, which was the forerunner of the organs we know today. You aren't able to select individual voices in this early type of organ, but switch only between "Doof" (dull) and "Scherp" (bright). All voices are of the Prestant type (open diapason) and constitute of the following pipes:

Doof (always on): 8' + 8' + 4' + 2'

Scherp (can be muted): VI strong, partially repetitive, includes 4', 2 2/4', 2', 1 3/8', 1 1/3', 1' and 1/2'

You can download the whole package free of charge by clicking here. The download is only about 3 Mb.

organ of the koorkerk in middleburg, the netherlands, thought to have been the last blokwerk organ in the netherlands, now avialable as vst virtual organ plugin

Installation of freeware organs

The zipped file has a single folder in it containing two files, The .dll file can be used in your own VST host programme. For stand alone use, copy the entire folder to your harddisk and double click the .exe file to start.

Sorry, we can't provide any support for this product, and VOC cannot be held responsible for any damage to your systems as a result of using it.



Trial Versions of Payware Organs

In order to check to see if your system is compatible with our modules, we have a few trial versions of some of our modules available below. The installation instructions are the same as for the Portatief I (see above). Note! The trial versions are fully functional, but the sound cuts out for a second every 13 seconds or so. VOC cannot be held responsible for any damage to your systems as a result of using our software.

All our software is (c)2010 Virtual Organ Company. The VSTHost application from H Sieb is freeware and subject to its own terms of use, which can be found here


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